Units 11-12, West Mersea Business Centre, Rushmere Close, West Mersea, Essex, UK C05 8QQ 01206 598657
Supplies calcium and Vitamin D3 for calcium regulation
Boosts glucose formation and reduces ketone production
Boosts rumen fermentation
Helps increase milk production
Helps prevent the risk of ketosis
Helps improve calcium availability
Highly palatable
KETONITE is designed for dairy cows in early lactation to reduce the risk of metabolic disorders occurring, such as clinical and subclinical ketosis, hypocalcaemia and subclinical calcaemia. KETONITE also helps stimulate rumen fermentation, and helps improve fertility.
KETONITE has four main constituents:
1. Sorbitol – A type of carbohydrate from the sugar alcohol group, which is key in boosting energy during maximum demand post-partum, and avoiding the metabolism breaking down body fat and losing condition at a critical time. It also promotes rumen fermentation as it is used in the brewing process, and its sweet taste is very appealing to cattle.
2. Inactivated Yeast – Rich in proteins and Group B Vitamins, and provides a substrate for rumen flora. The constituents of the yeast cell walls (MOS and beta glucans) limit the development of pathogenic flora in the intestine.
3. Calcium Pidolate – Contributes the precursor to the calcium binding protein in arginine, which transports other dietary sources of calcium into the bloodstream, and mobilises calcium during milk secretion. It also contains the precursor to proline, which contributes collagen and improves muscle tonicity, particularly effective in the udder to reduce mastitis.
4. Calcium Propionate – Enhances the rumen fermentation of carbohydrates into propionic acid, which metabolises into glucose in the liver. It also stimulates the hormone controlling glucose release.
There are two other additives in KETONITE that enhance the effect of the product:
Vitamin D3 – An inactive form of calcitriol (a hypercalcaemic hormone), also supplementing calcium intake.
Cobalt acetate – This is involved in the synthesis of Vitamin B12, which is essential for the metabolism of propionate and completes the components for glucose formation in the liver. In turn, it enhances the formation of oxaloacetate which is key in the urea cycle.
Combined, these ingredients help manage the risk of ketone bodies forming in the liver and thus reduce the risk of ketosis occurring.

Greg Dunn of BDC agri introducing Ketonite at Dairy Tech 2022