Units 11-12, West Mersea Business Centre, Rushmere Close, West Mersea, Essex, UK C05 8QQ 01206 598657
Calcium pidolate was originally developed to treat osteoporosis in humans. The main symptom of osteoporosis is depletion of collagen in bones, making them brittle and prone to fracture.
French company Dietaxion identified calcium pidolate as a treatment for deficiencies in eggshell quality over 20 years ago, and have been successfully selling their brand PIDOLin PCa® worldwide ever since.
Calcium pidolate for poultry – how does it work in rear and late lay?

Problems with poor eggshell quality have traditionally been addressed by adding various calcium sources to the diet, but this does not tackle the root of the problem.
But is in fact the quality of the egg membrane that dictates the integrity of the shell deposited around it.
The principal constituent of the membrane is collagen. When the laying hen grows older, it becomes less efficient at synthesising collagen of the optimal quality. This results in a thinner membrane, less capable of supporting the eggshell. The eggshells of older birds are thus inherently weaker, leading to a significant increase in seconds.
The calcium-binding protein in PIDOLin PCa® facilitates the absorption of calcium sources in the diet into the blood and then into bones. It then mobilises calcium from the medullar bone into eggshell formation.
Feeding PIDOLin PCa® from week 50 (or when seconds start to increase) can reduce seconds by more than 20% and usually increases collectable eggs by 1-2%.
When fed in rear, for the first 28 days of life, better bone development and muscle laydown is observed, with significant improvement in uniformity and reduction in mortality. This early treatment, costing less than 1p/pullet, also reduces problems with eggshell quality in late lay and extends flock life. Returns are usually greater than 2:1 against cost.

Calcium pidolate for pigs – how does it work?

PIDOLin PCa® is best known for its use in poultry in the UK, particularly for its eggshell strength benefits during late lay, but it is also extremely effective in pig nutrition.
Fed for one week before farrowing, until weaning, as a top dressing on sow feed, it increases the sow’s muscle tone, thus cutting down farrowing time and reducing mastitis.
In trials, it demonstrates a reduction in lameness because it restores collagen in joints. It increases uniformity in piglets at birth and weight at weaning because of better skeletal development and muscle lay-down.
In trials, it demonstrates a reduction in lameness because it restores collagen in joints. It increases uniformity in piglets at birth and weight at weaning because of better skeletal development and muscle lay-down.
There is less placenta retention and also a cleaner uterine matrix. Finally, it reduces the oestrus interval by nearly 24 hours. In trials, the extra earning per sow per year is an average of £10.
Reduction of 55 minutes in farrowing time
Reduction in stillborn piglets of 83%
Increase in blood calcium of 15% = reduction in risk of
Piglet growth
Increase in ADG of 30g/piglet/day
Increase of 600g/piglet at weaning
Oestrus interval reduced from 5 days to 4.2 days (20 hours)
Download info about PIDOLin PCa in pig production

Calcium pidolate in ruminants

Hypocalcemia is rooted in problems caused by the dairy cow’s difficulty in mobilising enormous quantities of calcium at calving.
Using the calcium binding protein contained in the arginine fraction of calcium pidolate, this problem is better managed by employing a calcium transporter to mobilise calcium from the bones to help the freshly calved cow to produce adequate milk for the calf.