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15 May 2024: Demand overtaking supply?

Just knocking out a quick market report between the two days of the Pig & Poultry Fair. In short, no change in whey, skim milk down a paltry €20, less than 1% and no material change to spot supply prices. 


However, the status quo looks to be challenged on the upside, as purchasing activity is definitely on the up, and offers from suppliers are not as ready as in April, so the next move, when it comes, looks to be northwards. Having dropped to as low as a week back along, supply from the factory is now out to two and a half weeks from order, plus delivery, so tangible evidence of returning confidence.


In a correction to last week’s report (thank you to my eagle-eyed reader), the flooding in Rio Grande do Sul affects 34% of the remaining unharvested are, as the job is pretty well done (80%+). However, despite the mega national Brazilian crop, the weather market still supports beans, meal and oil at pretty much unchanged levels over the week, with palm oil mirroring soya.


Back to the overheated pleasures of the NEC …..

BDC agri is the UK broker for Lacto Production milk and whey powder products.

For further information and prices, contact Greg Dunn on 01206 381521 or


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