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8 October 2020: Unchanged

BDC agri

The market’s as flat as the Nullabor Plain, but to continue last week’s vibe, a parting of the ways between whey and skim looks possible.

All sorts of off grade wheys are being wheeled out into the market by processors, which usually presages a fall in prices, as a cupboard clearing exercise. This is usually the kit that they hold on to in a rising market, to minimise the loss of messing up the production process. So there’s lots of whey about and not much interest from exporters.

Skim milk, on the other hand, is still hot property for export, and despite the unchanged market this week, producers are holding stock back for higher prices, and traders are happy to go long.

Sterling is rangebound between €1.09 and €1.11 and $1.28 and $1.30, and only a breakthrough with the EU is going to change that in an upward direction.

BDC agri is the UK broker for Lacto Production milk and whey powder products.

For further information and prices, contact Greg Dunn on 01206 381521 or



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