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21 September 2023: A rising tide lifts all boats?

Maybe not this one, but the twin pillars of milk powders rose in unison again, whey up 6% (+€40) and skim 2.3% (+€50) for the second week running. There is no real substance behind the rise, as SWP and permeate are still freely offered and available, maybe skim milk is a little harder to source, but off grades are still plentiful, and they are the bedrock of the feed market.

As milk powders fell during the weather market in soya, so the reverse happens, as the tide is still ebbing for the soy complex, while crude oil bumps along what is hopefully the top at $88 a barrel.

Sterling isn't doing us any favours, either, so everything is looking a bit pricey after the artificially low prices through the summer.

BDC agri is the UK broker for Lacto Production milk and whey powder products.

For further information and prices, contact Greg Dunn on 01206 381521 or


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